Fr. Joseph Gleason posted this on Telegram recently. I am glad for the reminder:
A lot of people seem to be very interested in moving from America to Russia. This is understandable and commendable.
A lot of these same people also seem to be on the fence about moving to Russia, because it is "hard". For example: "It's hard to learn a new language". "It's hard to restart my career, and support my family by teaching English." "It's hard to move into a smaller house, and get accustomed to a lower income."
This sort of "fence sitting" tells me that a lot of people have forgotten the central reasons for moving at all. I mean, if the future of America and Russia are both great, and it's just a matter of picking what is most convenient for you, then stay where you are! Why move?
But if the judgment of God is hanging over America as a nation that is in utter rebellion against Him, and the future of America is pain, suffering, persecution, and destruction, then what are you waiting for? Get out of Sodom before the fire falls, while you still have a shirt on your back! Why wait until the situation is so dire that you have to drop everything and leave in utter urgency and poverty, if they allow you to leave at all?
Probably most people on this channel have already seen the following article, but it has been a while. Of course there have been many others on the same topic.
I would like to ask all of you to read this article again, just as a helpful reminder of the spiritual forces we are dealing with, in regard to the different positions which Russia and America have taken on issues of central importance:
I have been trying to balance out my videos a little lately, trying to counter a ‘Russia is easy’ mindset that some YouTubers attempt to portray. This video is my response to Tim Kirby’s recent video on
But I don’t want to minimize the importance of leaving the West now, before judgment comes.
Some contact me and are very worried about the West. I assure them that their fears are very much justified, and that the urge to leave right away is something good and healthy.
Unfortunately, some are losing that sense of urgency in the details. Yes, it is important to have a plan, but you need to recognize that your plans, and God’s plans, may not coincide.
And the important thing is survival. For you and your family.
If the judgment of God is coming soon on America, as many have been saying for generations, doesn’t it make sense to leave America as quickly as possible, and sort out the details later?
What I did was this: I heard that the West was collapsing. I have seen the signs of this coming for years. I visited Russia. I saw that all the Western propaganda were lies, and that Russia was a good place: not perfect, but a good place where I could live out a Christian life without constant interference from the government and from culture. I went back to the USA and was immediately depressed because I could see the signs of decay and impending judgment around me.
So I sold everything I could, and left.
Sure, it was hard. My managers betrayed me at work, and I was stranded here without income. I was unable to find new work in IT, but a friend helped me re-train as an English teacher. The Russian language is difficult, and the immigration process is sometimes compared to the seven levels of hell in Dante’s Inferno.
But it is also a good place, a beautiful place, where the best, brightest, and most interesting people from the West find a home. I have met many fascinating people through English teaching and in the small expatriate community here.
What’s more, I found love. My wife Elena, who I met online in December and later in person, turned out to be a much better match than any Western woman. We were married in July. Feminism has no hold on the hearts of most Russian women: they demand masculine men who will lead their families and be bold and decisive. The Russian expectation of masculinity has helped me step up my game: rather than feeling sorry for myself or whining, I decide that I’m going to become more masculine. And I have become a better man.
Meeting Elena saved my life. I would not have survived this trip without her, with all the trials that have beset me. And she convinced me to start eating better, and I’ve lost a lot of weight. Moving to Russia has probably extended my life by at least 10-15 years.
Unfortunately, not everyone is on board. When you flee the West, you may find that most people around you, even though they know the West is collapsing, refuse to do anything. Some think America can be saved. Their method for saving America seems to be sharing spicy memes and voting harder. Put your back into it this time! Surely the rigged voting machines and ballot dumping won’t counteract your vote again, right?
It’s bread and circuses. It’s a dog and pony show. It’s a distraction. While Western society is collapsing, they’re trying to keep you distracted so they can keep stealing your tax dollars and keeping you enslaved to the system.
And if they can keep you consuming long enough, and convince you to take a few more poison shots, you’ll go to the grave as an unthinking consumer. One more sheep for the slaughter.
You can do better.
In Scripture, we are told to remember Lot’s wife. This is in Luke 17:
And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man:†
They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.
Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;
but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.
Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.
“In that day, he who is on the housetop, and his goods are in the house, let him not come down to take them away. And likewise the one who is in the field, let him not turn back.
Remember Lot's wife.
Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.
I wrote most of the above before Trump was elected. I left it in my drafts and forgot about it until last week.
So has anything changed?
I still believe that conservative Christian Americans who love their families, should begin selling off their assets, while the US dollar is still worth something, and preparing to leave.
It doesn’t have to be Russia.
If the Democrats’ war on Russia ends, and the sanctions are dropped, then life in Russia will be easier, but it will never be easy.
Georgia and Serbia are possible good alternatives, if you’re Orthodox Christian.
The best time to leave was when I did.
The second best time is now.
If you’re interested in trying out Russia, my wife and I give tours. Message me on Telegram (at) stephentshores for more information.